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Within The Realm

Dec 13, 2021

My Great Aunt proudly displayed an aluminum Christmas Tree in her front window for many years, much to the chagrin of my more traditional relatives. I thought it was great until those shiny trees soon fell out of fashion. Aluminum Christmas Trees are making a comeback, but you might be surprised what killed the fad in...

Nov 25, 2021

During his lifetime, Will Rogers spoke up for the common man and often, in a good natured way, provided the voice for those unheard to those in the halls of power. He is still keeping an eye on the people in Congress from his vantage point in Statuary Hall. He also grants a bit of good luck to those that are willing to...

Oct 25, 2021

One hundred years ago or so, George W. Carver enlisted college boys from the South to assist him in spreading his message, not just about farming innovations but also about racial reconciliation. Carver called them "his boys." I interview the Author of a new book about the correspondence between the Wizard of Tuskegee...

Oct 25, 2021

There is a lonely stretch of road in our neck of the woods, the scariest spot in the County, called Beaver Gap. The superstitions of both the Native Americans and the hillbillies of the area fueled the stories of less than friendly spirits out there in the woods. This is the story of me , a station wagon full of...

Jul 26, 2021

200 years ago, in the wilds of the then American frontier, Sequoyah, the Cherokee Cadmus, introduced his writing system to the members of his tribe that had moved west to escape the influence of the white man. Some thought it frivolous, some thought it sorcery...but Sequoyah was able to demonstrate his...