Oct 22, 2023
Sometimes there are secrets so deeply hidden, made all the more mysterious by the silence of those involved. And so was the closely held secret of the strange visitor to our home that fall of the year I turned five. Not until years later, as a college student, did time reveal its secrets. withinpodcast.com
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Oct 17, 2023
Everyone who knows me, knows I am fascinated with Ozark Giraffe style homes. I've made note of a few that have fallen to the progress of time in the past few weeks. Here's a bonus episode with my tribute to the peculiar little houses that dot the Ozarks! withinpodcast.com
Oct 2, 2023
There a lot wrong with the world, especially when you're looking for it. But there plenty of hope and sunshine, sometimes it shows up at your front door. Today's story is about a weary teacher, a fabled figure from American folklore and a guy with a heart as big as all outdoors.
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