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Within The Realm

Sep 26, 2022

The first woman to hold statewide office in Oklahoma years before she could vote, Kate Barnard, using her tireless activism and dedication to duty, brought about many reforms ahead of their time in the young state. Despite the importance of her work, she was lost to history for decades, until...


Sep 12, 2022

Charles Parrott was a lot of things, a husband and father, farmer, rodeo rider and one of the most prolific bank robbers in the second half of the Twentieth century. A look into his exploits has been chronicled in a new book by his daughter Susan, entitled "Catch Me or Kill Me." We visit with the author about her...

Sep 9, 2022

Even out here in the Ozarks, in the Cherokee Nation, we have a connection to Queen Elizabeth, but it's a connection that goes back years, long before the United States, the Trail of Tears or the coronation of the Queen herself.

The Right Direction by Shane Ivers


Sep 5, 2022

It was in 1921 when a young commercial artist had a dream of creating an animation studio  in Kansas City. He did just that before going bankrupt and befriending a mouse that frequented his drawing table. A one way ticket to California and greener pastures was the end of the KC studio, but something more lay in...